Sultan Qaboos Mosque, Oman

Sultan Qaboos Mosque, Oman

The Sultan Qaboos Mosque, is the largest mosque in Oman. The Mosque is built on an area of 416,000 m² and the entire complex covers about 40,000 m². The Mosque was inaugurated by Sultan Qaboos of Oman on 4 May 2001.

The Mosque is built out of 300,000 tonnes of Indian sandstone. The largest prayer room is square in shape and is 74.4 at 74.4 meters. The Central dome is fifty metres high. The dome, the largest minaret of 90 meters high and 4 flanking minarets of 45.5 meters high, are the visual main features of the mosque. The largest prayer room can accommodate 6,500 people and the prayer room for women is suitable for 750 people. The paved outdoor area can hold another 8000 people and extra space is available in the courtyard and the passageways. The mosque has a capacity of 20,000 people.


Sultan Qaboos Mosque, Oman

Mohamed Saleh Makiya


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