Shopping Centre – Zaailand Leeuwarden

Shopping Centre – Zaailand Leeuwarden

The shopping centre also boasts apartments on the 2nd to 5th floor. The complex was is a design by the architectural office Ellerman, Lucas and van Villavicencio from the Hague. Then Fitch & Co. from London created the concept plan for the interior of the shopping centre. The shopping centre has been awarded the first prize by the Dutch Council for Shopping centres (NWR).

A lot has changed since the opening in 1989. The Zaailand Project means a new impetus for the historic city centre of Leeuwarden. Since 2012, the Wilhelmina Square is a lively square with shops, terraces, modern apartments, with lots of activities and festivities. The Square and its’ surroundings are easily accessible for cars; having a 21,000 m² underground car park which offers space for 700 cars. Zaailand covers a total of approximately 38,500 m².


Shopping Centre – Zaailand Leeuwarden

Fitch & Co


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