All posts by: Robert van Piggelen

in Technical Introduction


The EUROCODES are pan-European design codes comprising 10 design standards, EN 1990 – EN 1999, providing a common approach for the design of buildings and other civil engineering works. They are produced by the European Committee for Standardization, CEN. The Eurocodes The EUROCODES are the recommended means of giving a presumption of conformity with the […]

in Technical Introduction

Traffic Types

Understanding the type of traffic that a building will experience is important when it comes to specifying a joint system The nature of traffic moving over expansion joints can have a significant effect upon their longevity; a joint designed for use in a pedestrian area with low traffic frequency will not survive in a warehouse […]

in Technical Introduction

Traffic Frequency

The number of times that a load travels across a jointing system can have significant impact upon the life expectancy of the product. Traffic Frequency Traffic Frequency relates to the maximum number of passes that a load makes across a given joint system per day and has been broken down into 8 groups: TF1 ≤ […]

in Technical Introduction

Causes of Movement

Movement can arise from thermal expansion and contraction, wind loading, drying shrinkage, creep, settlement, column foreshortening and seismic events. Building Movement Solutions The products and advice presented within this handbook aim to help designers of buildings to make provision for the deflections that the structure will experience over its service life. Movement can arise from […]

in Technical Introduction

Expansion Joints

Creep compounded by column shortening can cause problems for a number of trades which follow the structural contractors. Relative vertical deflection due to creep and column shortening Creep compounded by column shortening can cause problems for a number of trades which follow the structural contractors. Many contractors for instance are more concerned about the relative [...]
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