Bespoke Services

We work with clients and contractors on international projects to provide bespoke services that meet their needs. For large-scale projects, we can develop and deliver tailored solutions to meet your specific requirements, or help you to adapt your existing projects.


King Abdulaziz International Airport - Jeddah

King Abdulaziz International Airport is an airport located to the north of Jeddah. The airport is the busiest airport of Saudi Arabia and the third-largest airport in the kingdom. The airport is known for its Hajj terminal, which is specially built for Muslim pilgrims going to Mecca annually and can handle 80,000 passengers at the same time.

Atec Profile Systems was issued to create a bespoke joint of the MegAtec 350 jointing system. This includes several complex jointing systems that consists of T-pieces, corners, intersection and combinations of these.

Apart from bespoke joints Atec Profile Systems has the regular MegAtec 350 and intersection available for your project. Please take a look.



King Abdulaziz International Airport is an airport located to the north of Jeddah. The airport is the busiest airport of Saudi Arabia and the third-largest airport in the kingdom. The airport is known for its Hajj terminal, which is specially built for Muslim pilgrims going to Mecca annually and can handle 80,000 passengers at the same time.

Atec Profile Systems was issued to create a bespoke joint of the MegAtec 350 jointing system. This includes several complex jointing systems that consists of T-pieces, corners, intersection and combinations of these.

Apart from bespoke joints Atec Profile Systems has the regular MegAtec 350 and intersection available for your project. Please take a look.


Do you have questions about our bespoke services?

Feel free to contact our specialst today for technical advice. Please fill in the form or contact us by telephone.

Tel: +44 370 787 6543

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